Spice spectre 22fdsoi (1)

Hi  all . I was trying to simulate a hspice 22fdsoi netlist using spectre.  Please check my sulimulation file as               *****

simulator lang=spice

.title t9_inx1_cnl : 4 structure with 21 stages , analysis at 6

.option numdgt=10 measdgt=10 autostop=0 post=0 probe=1 measform=1 brief=1 

*redefmodel=1 USE_TEMP = LAST 

.param in_tran='1p*1.66'

.param timing=1

.param leakage=0

.param internal=0

.param vdd_v=0.72v

.inc '/proj/char_vol1/GF14LPP/users/nkala/Simulations/22fdsoi/spice_netlists/nominal/t9_inx1_cnl.sp' 

****************fo4 structure***************

.SUBCKT t9_inx1_cnl_FO4 A VSS VDD Z 

X0  VSS A VDD Z VSS VDD  t9_inx1_cnl

X1  VSS A VDD tmp_Z_1 VSS VDD  t9_inx1_cnl 

X2  VSS A VDD tmp_Z_2 VSS VDD  t9_inx1_cnl 

X3  VSS A VDD tmp_Z_3 VSS VDD  t9_inx1_cnl 

C_OUT_Z_1 tmp_Z_1 0 3f

C_OUT_Z_2 tmp_Z_2 0 3f

C_OUT_Z_3 tmp_Z_3 0 3f


****************fo4 Structure of Analysis stage*************************

.SUBCKT t9_inx1_cnl_FO4_analysis A VSS VDD VSS1 VDD1 Z 

X0  VSS1 A VDD1 Z VSS VDD  t9_inx1_cnl

X1  VSS A VDD tmp_Z_1 VSS VDD  t9_inx1_cnl 

X2  VSS A VDD tmp_Z_2 VSS VDD  t9_inx1_cnl 

X3  VSS A VDD tmp_Z_3 VSS VDD  t9_inx1_cnl 

C_OUT_Z_1 tmp_Z_1 0 3f

C_OUT_Z_2 tmp_Z_2 0 3f

C_OUT_Z_3 tmp_Z_3 0 3f


**********************Stages Structure***************

X_TOP   VSS A VDD Z1 VSS VDD  t9_inx1_cnl

X1 Z1 VSS VDD Z2 t9_inx1_cnl_FO4

X2 Z2 VSS VDD Z3 t9_inx1_cnl_FO4

X3 Z3 VSS VDD Z4 t9_inx1_cnl_FO4

X4 Z4 VSS VDD Z5 t9_inx1_cnl_FO4

X5 Z5 VSS VDD Z6 t9_inx1_cnl_FO4

X6 Z6 VSS VDD VSS1 VDD1 Z7 t9_inx1_cnl_FO4_analysis

X7 Z7 VSS VDD Z8 t9_inx1_cnl_FO4

X8 Z8 VSS VDD Z9 t9_inx1_cnl_FO4

X9 Z9 VSS VDD Z10 t9_inx1_cnl_FO4

X10 Z10 VSS VDD Z11 t9_inx1_cnl_FO4

X11 Z11 VSS VDD Z12 t9_inx1_cnl_FO4

X12 Z12 VSS VDD Z13 t9_inx1_cnl_FO4

X13 Z13 VSS VDD Z14 t9_inx1_cnl_FO4

X14 Z14 VSS VDD Z15 t9_inx1_cnl_FO4

X15 Z15 VSS VDD Z16 t9_inx1_cnl_FO4

X16 Z16 VSS VDD Z17 t9_inx1_cnl_FO4

X17 Z17 VSS VDD Z18 t9_inx1_cnl_FO4

X18 Z18 VSS VDD Z19 t9_inx1_cnl_FO4

X19 Z19 VSS VDD Z20 t9_inx1_cnl_FO4

X20 Z20 VSS VDD Z21 t9_inx1_cnl_FO4

X21 Z21 VSS VDD Z22 t9_inx1_cnl_FO4

***********************timing measurement*****************


simulator lang=spectre

include "/proj/PDK/22fdsoi/default/Spectre/models/design_wrapper.lib.scs"  section=SS_pre

simulator lang=spice

.temp -40

X_CAP   VSS in_cap VDD Zcap VSS VDD  t9_inx1_cnl

I_in 0 in_cap 0.5u

.IC V(in_cap) = 0

.meas tran input_tran trig V(in_cap) val='vdd_v*0.3' rise=1 targ V(in_cap) val='vdd_v*0.7' rise=1 print=0

.meas tran input_cap param='(input_tran*0.5e-06)/(vdd_v*0.6)';

.meas tran rise_delay trig V(Z6) val = 'vdd_v/2' fall = 1 targ V(Z7) val = 'vdd_v/2' rise = 1

.meas tran fall_delay trig V(Z6) val = 'vdd_v/2' rise = 1 targ V(Z7) val = 'vdd_v/2' fall = 1

.meas tran rise_tran trig V(Z7) val = 'vdd_v * 0.3' rise = 1 targ V(Z7) val = 'vdd_v * 0.7' rise = 1

.meas tran fall_tran trig V(Z7) val = 'vdd_v * 0.7' fall = 1 targ V(Z7) val = 'vdd_v * 0.3' fall = 1

*******************leakage measurement**************


simulator lang=spectre

include "/proj/PDK/22fdsoi/default/Spectre/models/design_wrapper.lib.scs"  section=FF_pre

simulator lang=spice

.temp 125

.meas tran current_avg_0 avg I(V_VDD1) from = 6n to = 10n print=0

.meas tran current_avg_1 avg I(V_VDD1) from = 11n to = 15n print=0

.meas tran leakage_0 param = 'abs(current_avg_0) * vdd_v'

.meas tran leakage_1 param = 'abs(current_avg_1) * vdd_v'

*******************internal energy measurement**************


simulator lang=spectre

include "/proj/PDK/22fdsoi/default/Spectre/models/design_wrapper.lib.scs"  section=FF_pre

simulator lang=spice

.temp 125

.meas tran current_avg_0 avg I(V_VDD1) from = 6n to = 10n print=0

.meas tran current_avg_1 avg I(V_VDD1) from = 11n to = 15n print=0

.meas tran leakage_0 param = 'abs(current_avg_0) * vdd_v' print=0

.meas tran leakage_1 param = 'abs(current_avg_1) * vdd_v'print=0

.meas tran integ_current_rise integ I(V_VDD1) from=10n to=12n print=0

.meas tran internal_pow_rise param = 'abs(integ_current_rise * vdd_v)-(leakage_1 * 2n)-(input_cap*4*vdd_v*vdd_v)'

.meas tran integ_current_fall integ I(V_VDD1) from=5n to=7n print=0

.meas tran internal_pow_fall param = 'abs(integ_current_fall * vdd_v)-(leakage_0 * 2n)'

X_CAP   VSS in_cap VDD Zcap VSS VDD  t9_inx1_cnl

I_in 0 in_cap 0.5u

.IC V(in_cap) = 0

.meas tran input_tran trig V(in_cap) val='vdd_v*0.3' rise=1 targ V(in_cap) val='vdd_v*0.7' rise=1 print=0

.meas tran input_cap param='(input_tran*0.5e-06)/(vdd_v*0.6)' print=0;


*******************Input Stimuli and Simulation***************

V_VDD VDD 0 vdd_v


V_VDD1 VDD1 0 vdd_v

V_VSS1 VSS1 0 0

V_A A 0 pwl

+ 0 0

+ 5n 0

+ '5n + ( in_tran * 1.66 )' vdd_v

+ 10n vdd_v

+ '10n + ( in_tran * 1.66)' 0

.tran 1p 15n

*.probe V(A) V(Z6)  V(Z7)

.alter leakage_power

.param timing=0 leakage=1

.param vdd_v=0.88

.alter internal_power

.param timing=0 leakage=0 internal=1

.param vdd_v=0.88v


Best Regards,


  • ERROR (SFE-1152): "t9_inx1_cnl_A.scs" 75: .MEASURE: Unexpected value
        ERROR (SFE-1152): "t9_inx1_cnl_A.scs" 91: .MEASURE: Unexpected value
        ERROR (SFE-1152): "t9_inx1_cnl_A.scs" 92: .MEASURE: Unexpected value
        ERROR (SFE-1152): "t9_inx1_cnl_A.scs" 105: .MEASURE: Unexpected value
        ERROR (SFE-1152): "t9_inx1_cnl_A.scs" 106: .MEASURE: Unexpected value
        ERROR (SFE-1152): "t9_inx1_cnl_A.scs" 107: .MEASURE: Unexpected value
        ERROR (SFE-1152): "t9_inx1_cnl_A.scs" 108: .MEASURE: Unexpected value
        ERROR (SFE-1152): "t9_inx1_cnl_A.scs" 109: .MEASURE: Unexpected value
        ERROR (SFE-1152): "t9_inx1_cnl_A.scs" 111: .MEASURE: Unexpected value
        ERROR (SFE-1152): "t9_inx1_cnl_A.scs" 116: .MEASURE: Unexpected value
        ERROR (SFE-1152): "t9_inx1_cnl_A.scs" 117: .MEASURE: Unexpected value
  • After commenting print=0..it gave following error. FATAL (SFE-406): "t9_inx1_cnl_A.scs" 65: Alter causes topology change
            (conditional instantiation) in top-level circuit.
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