; enable generation of expected output vectors and comparison result waveforms. output_wf 1 ; radix specifies the number of bit of the vector. radix 1 ; io defines the vector as an input or output vector. io i ; vname assigns the name to the vector. vname B30 ; tunit sets the time unit. tunit ns ; trise specifies the rise time of each input vector. trise 10 ; tfall specifies the fall time of each input vector. tfall 10 ; vih specifies the logic high voltage of each input vector. vih 5 ; vil specifies the logic low voltage of each input vector vil -6 ; voh specifies the logic high voltage of each output vector voh 5.0 ; vol specifies the logic low voltage of each output vector vol -6 0 0 999 0 1000 1 7000 1