Error found by spectre during circuit read-in. ERROR (SFE-874): "input.scs" 198: 52: Unexpected end of line. Expected equals. Cannot run the simulation because of syntax error. Correct the error and rerun the simulation. Time for NDB Parsing: CPU = 744.887 ms, elapsed = 887.641 ms. Time accumulated: CPU = 777.881 ms, elapsed = 887.65 ms. Peak resident memory used = 55.7 Mbytes. Time for parsing: CPU = 0 s, elapsed = 30.9944 us. Time accumulated: CPU = 777.881 ms, elapsed = 887.92 ms. Peak resident memory used = 55.7 Mbytes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pre-Simulation Summary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aggregate audit (2:54:06 PM, Fri Jun 14, 2019): Time used: CPU = 816 ms, elapsed = 925 ms, util. = 88.2%. Time spent in licensing: elapsed = 15.6 ms. Peak memory used = 56.3 Mbytes. Simulation started at: 2:54:05 PM, Fri Jun 14, 2019, ended at: 2:54:06 PM, Fri Jun 14, 2019, with elapsed time (wall clock): 925 ms. spectre completes with 1 error, 0 warnings, and 0 notices. spectre terminated prematurely due to fatal error.