INFO (SCH-1170): Extracting "test_mos schematic" INFO (SCH-1426): Schematic check completed with no errors. INFO (SCH-1181): "spice test_mos schematic" saved. Delete psf data in / generate netlist... Begin Incremental Netlisting May 18 14:16:03 2019 ERROR (OSSHNL-108): The property, 'connectivityLastUpdated', specified on library 'spice', cell 'SUM110N04-2m1P', view 'schematic', does not have an integer value. Re-extract the design (File->Check and Save menu option) to correct this error. End netlisting May 18 14:16:03 2019 ERROR (OSSHNL-514): Netlist generation failed because of the errors reported above. The netlist might not have been generated at all, or the generated netlist could be corrupt. Fix the reported errors and regenerate the netlist. ...unsuccessful.