// VerilogA for Betty_Jan2018, MTJ, veriloga `include "constants.vams" `include "disciplines.vams" module MTJ_Model(pos, neutral, neg, mx, my, mz); //terminal definitions inout pos,neutral,neg, mx, my, mz; electrical pos,neutral,neg; electrical mx, my, mz; branch (pos, neutral) top; branch (neutral, neg) bott; // variables real top_res0, top_res, bott_res0, bott_res, net_torque,polarization_top, polarization_bott, top_efficiency, bottom_efficiency, volume, rpar_top, rpar_bott, RandomGaussian, Hfluctuation; integer seed; // LLG equation coefficients real h1, h2, h3, k1, k2, k3, s1, s2, s3; // model parameters parameter integer use_as_dmtj = 1 from (-2:2); parameter real plank_constant = 1.054e-27 from (-inf:inf); parameter real electron_charge = 1.602e-19 from (-inf:inf); parameter real gyromagnetic_ratio = 1.7608e7 from (-inf:inf); parameter real alpha = 0.002 from (0:inf); parameter real Ms = 1050 from (0:inf); parameter real Hk = 250 from (0:inf); parameter real Vh = 0.5 from (0:inf); parameter real Rp = 1500 from (0:inf); parameter real tmr = 2 from (0:inf); parameter real length = 60e-7 /*60e-7*/ from (0:inf); parameter real width = 60e-7 from (0:inf); parameter real thickness = 1e-7 from (0:inf); parameter real tox = 1.2e-9 from (0:inf); parameter real kb = 1.38e-16 from (-inf:inf);//Boltzmann’s constant parameter T = 300 from (-inf:inf);//Temperature parameter real PI = 3.14 from (0:inf); // model analog block analog begin volume = length*width*thickness; k1 = -1*gyromagnetic_ratio/(1 + pow(alpha,2)); k2 = -1*gyromagnetic_ratio*alpha/(1 + pow(alpha,2)); k3 = gyromagnetic_ratio*plank_constant/(2*electron_charge*Ms*volume); //conventional STT source (PL with easy axis parallel to FL) s1 = 0; s2 = 0; s3 = 1; rpar_top = 2*Rp*(tmr + 1 + V(top)*V(top)/(Vh*Vh))/(tmr + 2*(1 + (V(top)*V(top))/(Vh*Vh))); rpar_bott = 2*Rp*(tmr + 1 + V(bott)*V(bott)/(Vh*Vh))/(tmr + 2*(1 + (V(bott)*V(bott))/(Vh*Vh))); polarization_top = sqrt(tmr/(tmr + 2*(1 +V(top)*V(top)/(Vh*Vh)))); polarization_bott = sqrt(tmr/(tmr + 2*(1 + V(bott)*V(bott)/(Vh*Vh)))); top_efficiency = polarization_top/(2*(1 + pow(polarization_top,2)*V(mz))); bottom_efficiency = polarization_bott/(2*(1 + pow(polarization_bott,2)*V(mz))); top_res = rpar_top/(1 + polarization_top*polarization_top*V(mz)); bott_res = 0; net_torque = I(top)*top_efficiency; //Heff=Heff+Hfluctuation seed=25; RandomGaussian=$rdist_normal(seed, 0, 1); Hfluctuation=sqrt(2*alpha*kb*T/(gyromagnetic_ratio*Ms*volume))*RandomGaussian; h1= -4*PI*Ms*V(mx)+Hfluctuation; h2 = 0+Hfluctuation; h3 = Hk*V(mz)+Hfluctuation; if(analysis("ic")) begin end else if(analysis("tran")) begin V(mx): ddt(V(mx)) == k1*(h3*V(my) - h2*V(mz)) + k2*(-h1*V(my)*V(my)- h1*V(mz)*V(mz) + h2*V(mx)*V(my) + h3*V(mx)*V(mz))+k3*net_torque*(-s1*V(my)*V(my) -s1*V(mz)*V(mz) + s2*V(mx)*V(my)+ s3*V(mx)*V(mz)); V(my): ddt(V(my)) == k1*(h1*V(mz) - h3*V(mx))+ k2*(h1*V(mx)*V(my)- h2*V(mx)*V(mx) - h2*V(mz)*V(mz) + h3*V(my)*V(mz)) +k3*net_torque*(s1*V(mx)*V(my) - s2*V(mx)*V(mx) - s2*V(mz)*V(mz)+ s3*V(my)*V(mz)); V(mz): ddt(V(mz)) == k1*(h2*V(mx) -h1*V(my))+ k2*(h1*V(mx)*V(mz)+ h2*V(my)*V(mz) -h3*V(mx)*V(mx) - h3*V(my)*V(my))+k3*net_torque*(s1*V(mx)*V(mz) + s2*V(my)*V(mz) - s3*V(mx)*V(mx)- s3*V(my)*V(my)); end V(top) <+ I(top)*top_res; V(bott) <+ I(bott)*bott_res; end endmodule