;;; This procedure sets the entry layer depending on lpp of the shape selected. ;;; This functionality is standard in Mentor Pyxis, and ported to Virtuoso using this procedure and bind-key re-mapping. procedure( SCLMouseSingleSelectPt() let( ( ( selection nil ) ) ;;; Use the original selection function mouseSingleSelectPt() selection = geGetSelectedSet() ;;; Put any custom code that should be triggered by selecting anything in a lay-out editor window below... SCLSetLSWEntryLayerByShape( selection ) ) ;;; end of let ) ;;; end of procedure SCLMouseSingleSelectPt ;;; Re-define the bindkey. I suggest to check the bindkey override ;;; from CIW -> Options -> Bindkeys; or with SKILL using: ;;; hiGetBindKey("Layout" "None") hiSetBindKey("Layout" "None" "SCLMouseSingleSelectPt()")