xrun(64): 20.03-s007: (c) Copyright 1995-2020 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. TOOL: xrun(64) 20.03-s007: Started on Aug 31, 2021 at 09:01:43 CEST xrun -f xrunArgs -UNBUFFERED -cdslib ./cds.lib -errormax 50 -status -nowarn DLNOHV -nowarn DLCLAP -v93 -incdir /***/project/***/***/ -ade -timescale 1fs/1fs -vtimescale 1fs/1fs -delay_mode None -novitalaccl -access r -noparamerr -amspartinfo ../psf/partition.info -rnm_partinfo -modelincdir /***/project/***/***/ ./spiceModels.scs ./amsControlSpectre.scs -input ./probe.tcl -run -exit -xmsimargs "+amsrawdir ../psf" -spectre_args "-ahdllibdir /***/project/***/simulation/***/ringosc/maestro/results/maestro/Interactive.19/sharedData/CDS/ahdl/input.ahdlSimDB" -simcompatible_ams spectre -name ***.ringosc:config -allowredefinition -amsbind -top ***.ringosc:schematic -top cds_globals ./netlist.vams ./ie_card.scs -f ./textInputs -makelib tcbn65lp -makelib *** -endlib ./cds_globals.vams -l ../psf/xrun.log -spectre_args ++aps -spectre_args +mt=4 file: ./netlist.vams module ***.ringosc:schematic errors: 0, warnings: 0 module ***.INV**:schematic errors: 0, warnings: 0 file: ./cds_globals.vams module worklib.cds_globals:vams errors: 0, warnings: 0 xmvlog: *W,SPDUSD: Include directory /***/project/***/***/ given but not used. Total errors/warnings found outside modules and primitives: errors: 0, warnings: 1 xmvlog: Memory Usage - Current physical: 19.5M, Current virtual: 61.6M xmvlog: CPU Usage - 0.0s system + 0.0s user = 0.0s total (0.1s, 29.5% cpu) Caching library '***' ....... Done Caching library 'worklib' ....... Done Caching library 'tcbn65lp' ....... Done Elaborating the design hierarchy: Top level design units: ringosc cds_globals Discipline resolution Pass... Building instance overlay tables: .................... Done Building instance specific data structures. Loading native compiled code: .................... Done Design hierarchy summary: Instances Unique Modules: 53 3 Interconnect: 55 - Simulation timescale: 1fs Writing initial simulation snapshot: ***.ringosc:config xmelab: Memory Usage - Final: 41.7M, Peak: 165.7M, Peak virtual: 274.5M xmelab: CPU Usage - 0.1s system + 0.1s user = 0.1s total (0.2s, 68.4% cpu) Loading snapshot ***.ringosc:config .................... Done Starting analog simulation engine... AMSD Flexible Release Matrix --- using Spectre from installation: /***/software/Cadence/2015-2016/lnx86/SPECTRE_20.10.099/bin/spectre AMSD: Using spectre solver with arguments: -ahdllibdir /***/project/***/simulation/***/ringosc/maestro/results/maestro/Interactive.19/sharedData/CDS/ahdl/input.ahdlSimDB ++aps +mt=4. xcelium> source /***/software/Cadence/2015-2016/lnx86/XCELIUM_20.03.007/tools/xcelium/files/xmsimrc xcelium> xcelium> # This is the NC-SIM(R) probe command file xcelium> # used in the AMS-ADE integration. xcelium> xcelium> xcelium> # xcelium> # Database settings xcelium> # xcelium> if { [info exists ::env(AMS_RESULTS_DIR) ] } { set AMS_RESULTS_DIR $env(AMS_RESULTS_DIR)} else {set AMS_RESULTS_DIR "../psf"} ../psf xcelium> database -open ams_database -into ${AMS_RESULTS_DIR} -default Created default SHM database ams_database xcelium> xcelium> # xcelium> # Probe settings xcelium> # xcelium> probe -create -emptyok -database ams_database {ringosc.ring[50]} Created probe 1 #... up to 52 xcelium> run Spectre (R) Circuit Simulator Version 64bit -- 3 Dec 2020 Copyright (C) 1989-2020 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Cadence and Spectre are registered trademarks of Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All others are the property of their respective holders. Includes RSA BSAFE(R) Cryptographic or Security Protocol Software from RSA Security, Inc. User: *** Host: saturn.c.fusion-2016.internal HostID: 840A1900 PID: 30885 Memory available: 30.1003 GB physical: 135.4741 GB Linux : Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.10 (Santiago) CPU Type: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU All processors running at 2800.2 MHz Socket: Processors (Hyperthreaded Processor) 0: 0 ( 12 ), 1 ( 13 ), 2 ( 14 ), 3 ( 15 ), 4 ( 16 ) 5 ( 17 ), 6 ( 18 ), 7 ( 19 ), 8 ( 20 ), 9 ( 21 ) 10 ( 22 ), 11 ( 23 ) System load averages (1min, 5min, 15min) : 1.0 %, 2.2 %, 2.1 % Hyperthreading is enabled HPC is enabled Simulating `spiceModels.ams' on saturn.c.fusion-2016.internal at 9:01:59 AM, Tue Aug 31, 2021 (process id: 30885). Current working directory: /***/project/***/simulation/***/ringosc/maestro/results/maestro/Interactive.19/1/***:ringosc:1/netlist Command line: \ /***/software/Cadence/2015-2016/lnx86/SPECTRE_20.10.099/tools.lnx86/bin/spectre \ -64 spiceModels.ams +config \ /***/software/Cadence/2015-2016/lnx86/SPECTRE_20.10.099/tools.lnx86/spectre/etc/configs/ams.cfg \ -ahdllibdir \ /***/project/***/simulation/***/ringosc/maestro/results/maestro/Interactive.19/sharedData/CDS/ahdl/input.ahdlSimDB \ ++aps +mt=4 -raw ../psf -I/***/project/***/***/ \ +ams_control=xcelium.d/AMSD/ams_ctrl/ams_ctrl_29865_saturn.c.fusion-2016.internal Loading /***/software/Cadence/2015-2016/lnx86/SPECTRE_20.10.099/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/libinfineon_sh.so ... Loading /***/software/Cadence/2015-2016/lnx86/SPECTRE_20.10.099/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/libphilips_o_sh.so ... Loading /***/software/Cadence/2015-2016/lnx86/SPECTRE_20.10.099/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/libphilips_sh.so ... Loading /***/software/Cadence/2015-2016/lnx86/SPECTRE_20.10.099/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/libsparam_sh.so ... Loading /***/software/Cadence/2015-2016/lnx86/SPECTRE_20.10.099/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/libstmodels_sh.so ... Reading file: /***/project/***/simulation/***/ringosc/maestro/results/maestro/Interactive.19/1/***:ringosc:1/netlist/spiceModels.ams Notice from spectre during circuit read-in. Configuration file used: `/***/software/Cadence/2015-2016/lnx86/SPECTRE_20.10.099/tools.lnx86/spectre/etc/configs/ams.cfg'. Reading file: /***/software/Cadence/2015-2016/lnx86/SPECTRE_20.10.099/tools.lnx86/spectre/etc/configs/spectre.cfg Reading file: /***/project/***/simulation/***/ringosc/maestro/results/maestro/Interactive.19/1/***:ringosc:1/netlist/spiceModels.scs Reading file: /***/pdks/***/***/models/spectre/toplevel.scs Reading file: /***/pdks/***/***/models/spectre/***.scs Reading file: /***/project/***/simulation/***/ringosc/maestro/results/maestro/Interactive.19/1/***:ringosc:1/netlist/amsControlSpectre.scs Reading file: /***/project/***/simulation/***/ringosc/maestro/results/maestro/Interactive.19/1/***:ringosc:1/netlist/ie_card.scs Reading file: /***/project/***/simulation/***/ringosc/maestro/results/maestro/Interactive.19/1/***:ringosc:1/netlist/.amsbind.scs Reading file: /***/software/Cadence/2015-2016/lnx86/SPECTRE_20.10.099/tools.lnx86/spectre/etc/configs/ams.cfg Time for NDB Parsing: CPU = 1.19182 s, elapsed = 1.26543 s. Time accumulated: CPU = 1.25781 s, elapsed = 1.26543 s. Peak resident memory used = 106 Mbytes. Time for Elaboration: CPU = 31.995 ms, elapsed = 33.041 ms. Time accumulated: CPU = 1.2898 s, elapsed = 1.29858 s. Peak resident memory used = 115 Mbytes. Warning from spectre during hierarchy flattening. WARNING (SPECTRE-17101): The value 'psf' specified for the 'checklimitdest' option will no longer be supported in future releases. Use 'spectre -h' to see other recommended values for the 'checklimitdest' option. Time for EDB Visiting: CPU = 2.999 ms, elapsed = 3.09014 ms. Time accumulated: CPU = 1.2928 s, elapsed = 1.30179 s. Peak resident memory used = 116 Mbytes. Notice from spectre during initial setup. Multithreading is disabled due to the size of the design being too small. Global user options: temp = 27 vabstol = 1e-06 iabstol = 1e-12 gmin = 1e-12 rforce = 1 maxnotes = 5 maxwarns = 5 digits = 5 pivrel = 0.001 checklimitdest = psf rawfmt = sst2 save = selected tnom = 27 scale = 1 scalem = 1 reltol = 0.0001 Scoped user options: Circuit inventory: nodes 56 bsim4 408 vsource 3 Analysis and control statement inventory: info 4 tran 1 Output statements: .probe 0 .measure 0 save 52 Notice from spectre during initial setup. 1 vsources are short because their absolute value is less than or equal to 'vabsshort'. Fast APS Enabled. Time for parsing: CPU = 5 ms, elapsed = 16.978 ms. Time accumulated: CPU = 1.2978 s, elapsed = 1.31888 s. Peak resident memory used = 118 Mbytes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pre-Simulation Summary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Notice from spectre during transient analysis `tran'. Specified 'noisefmin' is smaller than 1/stop time. 'noisefmin' has been changed to 25 MHz. ************************************************ Transient Analysis `tran': time = (0 s -> 40 ns) ************************************************ Notice from spectre during IC analysis, during transient analysis `tran'. There are 1 IC nodes defined. Notice from spectre during IC analysis, during transient analysis `tran'. Bad pivoting is found during DC analysis. Option dc_pivot_check=yes is recommended for possible improvement of convergence. Initial condition computed for node ringosc.ring[51] is in error by 885.175 uV (73.7645 m%). Decrease `rforce' to reduce error in computed initial conditions. However, setting rforce too small may result in convergence difficulties or in the matrix becoming singular. DC simulation time: CPU = 10.998 ms, elapsed = 11.8449 ms. Opening the AMSSST2 file ../psf/psf.trn ... Important parameter values: start = 0 s outputstart = 0 s stop = 40 ns step = 40 ps maxstep = 200 fs ic = all useprevic = no skipdc = no reltol = 100e-06 abstol(V) = 1 uV abstol(I) = 1 pA temp = 27 C tnom = 27 C tempeffects = all errpreset = moderate method = gear2only lteratio = 3.5 relref = sigglobal cmin = 0 F gmin = 1 pS rabsshort = 1 mOhm trannoisemethod = default noisefmax = 10 GHz noisefmin = 25 MHz noiseseed = 1 Notice from spectre during transient analysis `tran'. Multithreading is disabled due to the size of the design being too small. Output and IC/nodeset summary: save 52 (voltage) ic 1 tran: time = 1 ns (2.5 %), step = 138.7 fs (347 u%) tran: time = 3 ns (7.5 %), step = 125 fs (312 u%) tran: time = 5 ns (12.5 %), step = 200 fs (500 u%) tran: time = 7 ns (17.5 %), step = 200 fs (500 u%) tran: time = 9 ns (22.5 %), step = 200 fs (500 u%) tran: time = 11 ns (27.5 %), step = 200 fs (500 u%) tran: time = 13 ns (32.5 %), step = 200 fs (500 u%) tran: time = 15 ns (37.5 %), step = 200 fs (500 u%) tran: time = 17 ns (42.5 %), step = 125 fs (312 u%) tran: time = 19 ns (47.5 %), step = 125 fs (312 u%) tran: time = 21 ns (52.5 %), step = 200 fs (500 u%) tran: time = 23 ns (57.5 %), step = 200 fs (500 u%) tran: time = 25 ns (62.5 %), step = 200 fs (500 u%) tran: time = 27 ns (67.5 %), step = 200 fs (500 u%) tran: time = 29 ns (72.5 %), step = 125 fs (312 u%) tran: time = 31 ns (77.5 %), step = 200 fs (500 u%) tran: time = 33 ns (82.5 %), step = 200 fs (500 u%) tran: time = 35 ns (87.5 %), step = 200 fs (500 u%) tran: time = 37 ns (92.5 %), step = 200 fs (500 u%) tran: time = 39 ns (97.5 %), step = 200 fs (500 u%) The analog simulator has reached stop time, please use `analog -stop ' to extend the analog stop time. Simulation stopped via transient analysis stoptime at time 39999999 FS Memory Usage - Current physical: 53.8M, Current virtual: 300.5M CPU Usage - 14.5s system + 9.4s user = 23.9s total (77.9% cpu) xcelium> exit `AutoStop = yes'. Analysis finished at 40 ns. Number of accepted tran steps = 200872 Maximum value achieved for any signal of each quantity: V: V(ringosc.ring[49]) = 1.275 V I: I(ringosc.V2:p) = 885.2 uA If your circuit contains signals of the same quantity that are vastly different in size (such as high voltage circuitry combined with low voltage control circuitry), you should consider specifying global option `bin_relref=yes'. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Post-Transient Simulation Summary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Non-default settings that could significantly slow down simulation maxstep = 200 fs, default 800 ps reltol = 100e-06, default 1e-03 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ During simulation, the CPU load for active processors is : 0 (82.3 %) 1 (70.6 %) 2 (24.9 %) 3 (8.8 %) 4 (3.2 %) 5 (8.5 %) 6 (10.4 %) 7 (3.2 %) 8 (8.1 %) 10 (1.5 %) 12 (5.1 %) 13 (6.8 %) 14 (8.8 %) 15 (5.0 %) 16 (1.6 %) 17 (1.2 %) 18 (2.9 %) 19 (12.4 %) Total: 269.6% Initial condition solution time: CPU = 10.998 ms, elapsed = 11.8971 ms. Intrinsic tran analysis time: CPU = 32.1261 s, elapsed = 27.1803 s. **** AMSD: Mixed-Signal Activity Statistics **** Number of A-to-D events: 0 Number of A-to-D events in IEs: 0 Number of D-to-A events: 0 Number of D-to-A events in IEs: 0 Number of VHDL-AMS Breaks: 0 Number of direct digital accesses: 0 Total time required for tran analysis `tran': CPU = 32.1381 s, elapsed = 27.1962 s. Time accumulated: CPU = 33.4399 s, elapsed = 28.5466 s. Peak resident memory used = 123 Mbytes. finalTimeOP: writing operating point information to rawfile. Opening the PSF file ../psf/finalTimeOP.info ... modelParameter: writing model parameter values to rawfile. Opening the PSF file ../psf/modelParameter.info ... element: writing instance parameter values to rawfile. Opening the PSF file ../psf/element.info ... outputParameter: writing output parameter values to rawfile. Opening the PSF file ../psf/outputParameter.info ... Simulation complete via transient analysis stoptime at time 39999999 FS Aggregate audit (9:02:28 AM, Tue Aug 31, 2021): Time used: CPU = 33.5 s, elapsed = 28.7 s, util. = 117%. Time spent in licensing: elapsed = 18.4 ms. Peak memory used = 125 Mbytes. Simulation started at: 9:01:59 AM, Tue Aug 31, 2021, ended at: 9:02:28 AM, Tue Aug 31, 2021, with elapsed time (wall clock): 28.7 s. spectre completes with 0 errors, 1 warning, and 10 notices. xmsim: Memory Usage - Final: 50.6M, Peak: 53.9M, Peak virtual: 360.9M xmsim: CPU Usage - 22.9s system + 35.2s user = 58.1s total (30.9s, 100.0% cpu) TOOL: xrun(64) 20.03-s007: Exiting on Aug 31, 2021 at 09:02:28 CEST (total: 00:00:45)