Spectre (R) Circuit Simulator Version 64bit -- 4 Nov 2022 Copyright (C) 1989-2022 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Cadence and Spectre are registered trademarks of Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All others are the property of their respective holders. Includes RSA BSAFE(R) Cryptographic or Security Protocol Software from RSA Security, Inc. User: rahul Host: ISMC2S01 HostID: 7F0100 PID: 38986 Memory available: 27.8238 GB physical: 33.1632 GB Linux : Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.7 (Ootpa) CPU Type: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700 Socket: Processors [Frequency] (Hyperthreaded Processor) 0: 0 [2100.0] ( 1 ), 1 [2100.0] (), 2 [2100.0] ( 3 ) 3 [2100.0] (), 4 [2100.0] ( 5 ), 5 [2100.0] (), 6 [2100.0] ( 7 ) 7 [2100.0] (), 8 [1521.6] ( 9 ), 9 [2100.0] (), 10 [2100.0] ( 11 ) 11 [2100.0] (), 12 [2100.0] ( 13 ), 13 [2100.0] (), 14 [2100.0] ( 15 ) 15 [2100.0] (), 16 [2100.0] (), 17 [2100.0] (), 18 [2100.0] (), 19 [2100.0] () System load averages (1min, 5min, 15min) : 1.0 %, 1.4 %, 1.4 % Hyperthreading is enabled HPC is enabled Simulating `input.scs' on ISMC2S01 at 8:29:01 PM, Thur Feb 29, 2024 (process id: 38986). Current working directory: /home/rahul/simulation/LM324_ckt/spectre/schematic/netlist Command line: /home/install/SPECTRE211/tools.lnx86/bin/spectre -64 input.scs \ +escchars +log ../psf/spectre.out -format psfxl -raw ../psf \ +aps +lqtimeout 900 -maxw 5 -maxn 5 -env ade Licensing Information: [20:29:01.275825] Configured Lic search path (21.01-s002): 5280@ Licensing Information: [20:29:02.361016] Periodic Lic check successful Loading /home/install/SPECTRE211/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/libinfineon_sh.so ... Loading /home/install/SPECTRE211/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/libphilips_o_sh.so ... Loading /home/install/SPECTRE211/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/libphilips_sh.so ... Loading /home/install/SPECTRE211/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/libsparam_sh.so ... Loading /home/install/SPECTRE211/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/libstmodels_sh.so ... Reading file: /home/rahul/simulation/LM324_ckt/spectre/schematic/netlist/input.scs Reading file: /home/install/SPECTRE211/tools.lnx86/spectre/etc/configs/spectre.cfg Reading file: /home/rahul/Desktop/test_23/Pspice_lib/LM324.txt Time for NDB Parsing: CPU = 31.836 ms, elapsed = 747.755 ms. Time accumulated: CPU = 75.558 ms, elapsed = 747.755 ms. Peak resident memory used = 147 Mbytes. Time for Elaboration: CPU = 7.152 ms, elapsed = 7.13205 ms. Time accumulated: CPU = 82.762 ms, elapsed = 754.939 ms. Peak resident memory used = 154 Mbytes. Notice from spectre during hierarchy flattening. The value 'psf' specified for the 'checklimitdest' option will no longer be supported in future releases. Use 'spectre -h' to see other recommended values for the 'checklimitdest' option. Time for EDB Visiting: CPU = 377 us, elapsed = 377.178 us. Time accumulated: CPU = 83.194 ms, elapsed = 755.37 ms. Peak resident memory used = 156 Mbytes. Warning from spectre during initial setup. WARNING (CMI-2316): I6.de: Parasitic resistor `rs' has been deleted because its value of 1 mOhm ( R / (Area * MFactor) ) was smaller than `minr'. WARNING (CMI-2316): I6.dc: Parasitic resistor `rs' has been deleted because its value of 1 mOhm ( R / (Area * MFactor) ) was smaller than `minr'. Error found by spectre during initial setup. ERROR (CMI-2484): I6.w4: RLGC matrix data not provided. Licensing Information: Lic Summary: [20:29:02.388129] Cdslmd servers:5280@ [20:29:02.388137] Feature usage summary: [20:29:02.388138] Virtuoso_Multi_mode_Simulation Aggregate audit (8:29:02 PM, Thur Feb 29, 2024): Time used: CPU = 83.7 ms, elapsed = 756 ms, util. = 11.1%. Time spent in licensing: elapsed = 663 ms, percentage of total = 87.7%. Peak memory used = 157 Mbytes. Simulation started at: 8:29:01 PM, Thur Feb 29, 2024, ended at: 8:29:02 PM, Thur Feb 29, 2024, with elapsed time (wall clock): 756 ms. spectre completes with 1 error, 2 warnings, and 1 notice. spectre terminated prematurely due to fatal error.