Community Feedback, Suggestions, and Questions Print IC layout in cadence virtuoso

Print IC layout in cadence virtuoso

I want to get high resolution from the layout so I have printed it by .cdsplotinit with extension .ps then I convert it to pdf from any website 

the problem that the pdf shows the layout duplicated two layouts over each other 

Parents Reply Children
  • First of all, you've posted in a non-technical forum - this forum is for Feedback, Suggestions, and Questions about the forum itself, not technical questions. There are several specific technical forums for questions about Cadence tools - such as Custom IC Design - this would be more appropriate there.

    Secondly, posting "up" to push up a priority of a post in a community forum (where people answer in their spare time, including those like me that work for Cadence - it's not part of my job), and doing so a mere 3 hours after your original post (on a weekend) is a little presumptuous. This tends to put you to the back of the queue as it rather suggests you think your post is more important than anyone else. For urgent issues, you should contact customer support - but even then we don't provide rapid support over the weekend.

    I suggest if you are going to post in one of the main forums, you read the forum guidelines (I linked to the guidelines for the Custom IC Design forum for example), as you haven't given anywhere near enough information. For example, you should provide (at least)

    1. The version of the tools you're using
    2. Exactly how you generated the file - maybe the original PostScript that came out of the tools because maybe the issue is with your PostScript to PDF conversion (I've never seen it overlaying the PostScript like this).
    3. How you converted the Postscript to PDF


  • Is it okay to run a site on cadence or install cadence on a fresh site?

  • I have no idea what you're asking, and as I mentioned to the previous poster, this is not the right forum for technical questions (if that is what you were asking).


  • I'm also lost and I don't know where to ask such questions? Can you answer?

  • I'm also lost and I don't know where to ask such questions? Can you answer?

    In a forum such as Custom IC Design

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