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Installed Orcad demo and now Oracle VirtualBox is redirected to C:\SPB_data instead of c:\users\owner.VirtualBox.
This killed my virtual machine firmware development environment.
C:\SPB_data directory did not exist until the OrCAD install.
OrCAD installation does not alter or overwrite %HOME% variable any more. I don't see this issue with latest installation or about an year old one. Yes, it would add HOME variable, if I does not find one already set on your system and this should not break any existing install? If this still does, then it seems that specific software (Oracle VirtualBox) is giving precedence to %HOME% environment variable, over it's default value.
It does not ".......override major system variables! "
Trying to get an answer in a thread started 9 years ago in the wrong forum is not a great way to get a response. This forum is for issues with the forum itself, not for technical questions.
I suggest you post a new question in the "PCB Design" forum which is a much more sensible place to ask questions. Nearly all posts in this forum are posted in the wrong place and as one of the moderators I frequently move them to the right place. In this case I'm not going to move a 9 year old thread though - it's far better to start a new one and have somebody with Orcad expertise answer it.