Community Feedback, Suggestions, and Questions Cursor controlled by keyboard

Cursor controlled by keyboard

I realize this is just personal preference, but with every other PCB design software I have used, AutoBoard, Pcad, Intergraph, Mentor Graphics & OrCad, you could control the cursor by using the arrow keys on the keyboard.  I think it is very useful when nudging parts or traces to snap to grid points.  I can not find anything in Allegro 16.5 setup that will allow me to do this.  Is there something I am missing or does Allegro not have this capability?

  • Have no active command and then select the part (so it highlights) then use the SHIFT+Arrow Keys to move the part based on grid. Remember the Active class / subclass affect which grid you are on. If it's Etch/TOP then it uses the Etch grid, if it's Package Geometry / Some subclass then it uses the Non-Etch Grid.
  • Have no active command and then select the part (so it highlights) then use the SHIFT+Arrow Keys to move the part based on grid. Remember the Active class / subclass affect which grid you are on. If it's Etch/TOP then it uses the Etch grid, if it's Package Geometry / Some subclass then it uses the Non-Etch Grid.
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