QRC Menu does not load

QRC menu does not load in Virtuoso Layout Window.

In CIW, whenever we try to access the QRC menu in Virtuoso Layout, we get the message:

*WARNING* QRC_HOME environmental variable is set but UI can't locate correct QRC installation.
In order to run UI in QRC compatibility mode you need to have QRC executables in your $PATH and QRC version should be 8.1 or greater.
Check your QRC installation and environmental settings.

However, I am pretty sure I followed all installation steps properly.

There is a thread here advising about the OA_HOME environment variable which should not be set in later releases. But whenever I unset it, or leave it blank, virtuoso does not start and in the shell I get:

No proper OA2.2 installation found. Fix the errors reported by cdsGetOABinPath.
virtuoso: INFO: Note that OpenAccess (OA) requires running the Configure phase.
virtuoso: See the "OpenAccess Installation and Configuration Guide" before
virtuoso: you complete the configuration step. This manual is included with
virtuoso: the Cadence product documentation.

Both problems happen running under Fedora 24 and in RedHat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.3 (Maipo).

My cadence tools are:

IC 6.17.707

OA oa_v22.50.054

ASSURA 04.15.108-617

PVE 11.12.207

To run it in fedora, I am setting OA_UNSUPPORTED_PLAT linux_rhel50_gcc48x. For Red Hat, not.

CDNS Forum Thread CSS JS
CDNS - Fix Layout